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We create high-quality products, including marine canvas covers, utilizing the highest quality of materials.

Custom Canvas Designs specializes in creating custom pieces for your marine products and your home life, as well as restoring existing pieces. All pieces are handcrafted in a timely manner, utilizing only high quality materials.

We understand that every piece is unique and needs to withstand the test of time, as well as need to be completed in a timely manner. Contact us to discuss a project, or request a quote today.


Marine Exteriors


Quality marine materials and intricate craftsmanship are the secrets to creating long lasting covers, sails, furniture & more.

Outdoor Furnishings


We understand that the North American climate requires high quality, durable, materials that withstand the weather conditions. 

Repair Work & Uphostery

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Extend the life of your products with our repair and upholstery services. We strive to keep the integrity of the piece while ensuring it will last.

Custom Creations


We are always up for a challenge. If you are in need of our services for a custom vinyl cover, or any creative endeavour, we would love to chat.


Custom Canvas Designs

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We're proud to showcase our work.

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Marine Covers

Marine Interiors

Marine Acessories

Unique Projects

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Outdoor Seating


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Contact Us

Ayr, Ontario, NOB 1E0

416-587-3955 | 

Custom Canvas Designs is excited to work with you. That said, we are a production facility and therefore cannot accept any walk in traffic. Please call or email us, and we will happily make an appointment for drop off's and project consultations.


© 2022 by Custom Canvas Designs


- Boat Covers

- Boat Interiors 

- Boat Sails 

- Outdoor seating

- Outdoor canopy

- Repair work

- Upholstery

- Custom Projects 

Contact us to learn more.


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